Healthy Diet Tips to Complement Your Pilates Practice

Pilates offers a variety of benefits like flexibility, toned muscles, body balance, stability, 

The key to success is balancing the efforts your body puts out and takes in. To reap the maximum advantages of Pilates, diet is essential.


Timing your meal can be crucial in supporting your pilates practice to help you get the best results. Think about what to eat before entering a Pilates session, consume enough energy during the session, and avoid feeling bloated, making it necessary to get the right balance. 

If you are having a meal before a pilates session, remember to keep a 2 to 3-hour gap between your food and the session. If you are someone who would prefer a snack before a session, do so 30-45 min before the session to curb your hunger pangs and get a boost of energy.



Aim to achieve balance. The goal isn’t to track each calorie you eat but to apply the Pilates philosophy to your meals and enjoy what you consume, encouraging a healthy relationship with food. 

Be mindful: eat only when your body needs it, and avoid binge eating. Get a mix of calories from proteins, vegetables, carbs, and fats. Enjoy a healthy breakfast in the morning, eat at re

gular intervals throughout the day, a

nd always try to consume unprocessed food. Avoid artificial sweeteners, food colors, full-fat, and canned food.

After your pilates class, if you feel snacky, reach for low-fat yogurt, apple, orange, or a high-protein snack that will aid in recharging and repairing your muscles along with providing sustained energy for the rest of the day.


The key to health and wellness is hydration. Dehydration is more common than you realize and is caused by multiple factors such as stress, pollution, caffeine, travel, etc. 

Symptoms of dehydration include muscle cramps, low energy, hunger cravings, brain fog, pain, etc. Make it a point and your goal to stay hydrated by consuming at least 4 liters of water per day. 

Make it a habit to drink a glass of water when you get up and with all your meals throughout the day. Carry a good bottle with you everywhere you go, making water easily available when you get thirsty. If you are someone who works out hard, consider adding an electrolyte to supplement 


Eat mindfully, savouring every taste. Concentrate on every bite and take your time chewing your food. This helps you eat at a moderate pace and avoid overeating. We all have busy schedules and are always on the go and end up cramming in our meals, leading to us eating more than we require. Eat slow, and listen to your body, when it is full stop.

Some general diet guidelines to follow for good pilate practice:

Avoid eating 1 to 2 hours before your Pilates class. Try out various timings and pairings to see what suits you the best. 

What meals can you enjoy before a Pilates session?

  • Eat less before class- you may feel lightheaded.
  • Overeat before class- you may feel bloated.
  • Find your balance 

Tips when deciding what to eat before class:

  • Stay away from foods that cause gas
  • Avoid heavy foods that don’t digest easily
  • Avoid high sugar or carbs in foods.
  • Avoid greasy foods

Early morning classes- small breakfast- like a small bowl of yogurt topped with bananas, nuts, or berries.

Afternoon classes- energy-dense breakfast like oatmeal topped with avocado and salsa

Healthy pre-workout snacks you can eat before a pilates class:

  • Banana and almond butter 
  • Hard-boiled egg
  • Yogurt with berries and nuts
  • Celery and hummus
  • Green smoothie 

What are some good post-Pilates meals?

Eat a small post-workout meal 30-60 minutes after your pilates class. Ensure it is a high protein meal replenishing the glycogen stores and providing the body with lean protein needed to repair the muscle. 

  • Greek yogurt with berries and nuts
  • Hard-boiled egg with avocado toast
  • Protein shake with fruit 
  • Hummus with vegetables 

Whole-wheat crackers with peanut butter

It is essential to select a post-workout snack that is high in both protein and carbs. While carbs restore your energy resources, protein will aid in muscle regeneration.

What to eat in between your Pilates routine?

Between Pilates exercises, it’s essential to have a healthy diet to sustain energy levels, promote muscular growth, and promote general health. Eat as many foods high in nutrients, easy to digest, and will satisfy you as possible.

The following nutritious snack alternatives are ideal for munching on between Pilates exercises:

  • Yogurt with fruit
  • Eggs, hard-boiled
  • Seeds and nuts
  • Toast made of whole wheat and avocado
  • Mixture of trails
  • Quinoa cooked through
  • Caramelized veggies
  • Sweet potato, hard-boiled
  • a whole-wheat sandwich with tuna salad
  • Brown rice and veggies paired with a chicken breast

Customize your diet according to your unique requirements. If your goal is to gain muscle, you should concentrate on eating snacks rich in complex carbs and protein. Low-calorie and low-fat snacks might be a good choice if you’re attempting to reduce weight.

Although a large meal is unnecessary before Pilates, you should have a light lunch or snack that contains some complex carbs to provide you with the energy you need. If you consume any drinks during Pilates, pay attention to it’s sugar level.

Eat a balanced diet to get the most out of your Pilates practice. You can ensure that your body is adequately fuelled, appropriately hydrated, and receiving the nutrients it needs to heal and rebuild muscle by heeding the advice above.

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